What is a Company Handbook?

29 January 2016 | Questions

We get asked HR related questions every day and each week we share our top question of the week that we have been asked here at The HR Booth.

In this week’s question of the week, we explain what should be in a company handbook.


What is a company handbook and what are some of the key things that should be included in it?


A company handbook is your company’s record of things you need your staff to know about.  This can include information about your business and your customers, and everyday things to help get your new staff off to a good start and to keep them up to date whilst employed in your business.  It should also include specific ‘rules’ and outline what the expected standards are in relation to things like attendance, punctuality, dress code, performance management etc.

In addition, your company handbook is, of course, a good place to keep all your company policies.  Policies around holidays, absence, disciplinary, grievance, health and safety, maternity, paternity and parental leave, social media, equal opportunities, and anything else that may be specific to the particular industry or workplace your business is in.

We can help you put together a bespoke handbook that is specific to your needs and your business and covers all the essentials and some of the things that make your business unique.

To find out why handbooks are essential in everyday work read our blog.

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