The HR Booth Ltd is 10 Years Old

13 July 2023 | HR Booth News

We’re celebrating an exciting milestone this month: The HR Booth turns 10! Over the past 10 years, we’ve navigated the dynamic Human Resources landscape, adapting to changes, embracing challenges, and seizing opportunities. Our mission to deliver exceptional HR solutions and make a positive impact has remained at the core of everything we do.

We’ve built strong relationships with clients across industries, helping them achieve their HR goals, streamline processes, and drive success. Together, we’ve overcome obstacles, celebrated milestones, and created lasting partnerships.

As we reflect on this incredible journey, we’re filled with gratitude and excitement for what lies ahead. We’re committed to continuing our innovation, providing unparalleled service, and empowering organisations to thrive through effective HR practices. Find out more about our story:

Our story

Alistair Booth is the founder of The HR Booth and started doing freelance Human Resources work in 2011. He had a notion in 2009 to set up his own business, and after attending various Business Gateway events and introduction to networking events, managed to secure some small projects, whilst balancing a full-time job. In January 2012, the first retainer clients came on board and by July 2013, Alistair had left his full-time job, registered The HR Booth as a Limited Company at Companies House, and the rest they say is history!

Initially the office was Alistair’s shed from his back garden, which he had installed in May 2013. This was his office until February 2016 when our first employee joined the team, initially working out of a small office in Cowdenbeath until the following year when the team grew further, moving to Rosyth Business Centre. This was our office until February 2020, and perhaps we had a crystal ball as we moved to remote working – a month later, the world went into lockdown!

The business continues to operate in a hybrid setting, balancing the needs of our team and our clients.

We currently look after the needs of over 100 businesses. We offer a full range of Human Resources services, including support with recruitment, and we are proud to support some well-known brands across the country. Initially set up as a Fife based HR company, we are now truly a UK wide provider.

Here, Alistair talks about his 10 years as a Director of The HR Booth:

Firstly, I need to thank my wife Lorraine for having faith in me to start my own business. During 2009 I wanted to do this, but we had just had our first son Harry, Lorraine was on maternity leave, with no maternity benefits, so it wasn’t the right time. We waited a wee while and although I had a good job with good pay and benefits, I wanted to do my own thing. A lot of people probably thought I was daft but Lorraine believed in me, and we’ve made it work. So much so, that Lorraine also now works in the business behind the scenes!

Business Gateway Fife were really helpful in my early days, and special thanks to Karen (who is actually a school friend and by chance we met up when I attended a Business Gateway networking event!), so I’d encourage other start ups to speak to your local Business Gateway office.

I’m particularly proud that we have built our Human Resources business without any external investment – it’s all self-funded and as I started with very little in the bank, I know how important cash flow is.

Here are some of my insights as a Company Director for 10 years.

Starting a business can be an emotional rollercoaster with its highs and lows. Some highs may include signing a new client, hitting a sales target, or launching a new product. Some lows may include losing a client, facing financial difficulties, or making a mistake that affects the business. It’s important to celebrate the highs and learn from the lows to continuously improve the business.

The Biggest Fears of Founders and Directors When Employing People in Their Business

Starting a business is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges and uncertainties. One of the biggest challenges for founders and directors is employing people in their business. While hiring new employees is essential for growth and success, it can also be a daunting prospect. Here are some of the biggest fears that founders and directors have when employing people in their business:

Finding the Right Talent

One of the biggest fears that founders and directors have is the challenge of finding the right talent for their business. It’s crucial to hire employees who have the right skills, experience, and cultural fit, but it can be difficult to identify these qualities during the hiring process. The fear of hiring the wrong person can be overwhelming, as it can lead to wasted time, money, and resources.

Financial Risk

Hiring employees comes with financial risk, as it requires an investment in salaries, benefits, and training. Founders and directors are often worried about whether they will have enough resources to sustain these costs and whether the business will be able to generate enough revenue to cover them.

Managing and Retaining Employees

Once employees are hired, founders and directors must manage and retain them. This can be a daunting prospect, as it requires effective leadership, communication, and engagement. The fear of managing employees who may have different motivations, values, and personalities can be overwhelming, as it can impact the culture and productivity of the business.

Impact on Company Culture

Founders and directors often worry about how hiring new employees will impact the company culture. New employees can bring fresh perspectives and ideas, but they can also disrupt the existing dynamic and culture of the business. The fear of negative impact on the company culture can lead to resistance to hiring new employees, which can limit the growth and success of the business. This is something that’s really important in human resources.


Cash Flow: One of the most significant challenges for any small business is managing cash flow. It’s important to ensure you have enough cash to cover expenses during slow periods or if you’re waiting for payments from clients.

Marketing and Sales: Getting your name out there and attracting new clients is essential for any business. However, this can be a significant challenge, especially when you’re first starting out. It’s important to have a clear marketing strategy and to continuously refine and improve it as you grow. I found face to face networking really worked for me – 10 years ago I would have went to the opening of an envelope!

Hiring and Managing Staff: As your business grows, you’ll need to hire staff to help manage the workload. Finding the right people can be challenging, and managing them can be even more difficult. It’s important to have clear communication and expectations, offer training and support, and foster a positive workplace culture.

Competition: In any industry, you’ll face competition. Don’t worry about the competition – I’ve collaborated with lots of Human Resources Consultants and tried to help others as they start out in business – there’s enough work for everyone has always been my view, and I’ve never really spent any time worrying about what other businesses are doing.


1. Growth: One of the most significant successes in any business is growth. Seeing your business grow and thrive can be incredibly rewarding and motivating.

2. Positive Feedback: Hearing positive feedback from clients can be a significant success. It’s important to take note of positive feedback and use it to continue to improve your offerings.

3. Innovation: Finding new and innovative ways to offer services or products can be a significant success. Innovation can set you apart from competitors and attract new clients.

4. Team Building: Building a strong and positive team can be a significant success. Having a team that works well together and supports each other can create a positive workplace culture and contribute to the success of the business.

Contact Us

If you would like any support with your Human Resources function, feel free to contact our HR experts.

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Are you ready to elevate your HR strategies?

Connect with our expert team for tailored solutions and insights. Call The HR Booth at 01383 668178 or reach out via email at or use the contact form.

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