How Does Google Jobs Work?

26 April 2019 | Blog

The internet is changing rapidly and it’s important as a business owner to continue to grow with this development. Google has launched their new jobs function to help you take control of your own recruitment. Furthermore, this can be a great way to achieve direct contact with the right candidates. However, many of us are asking how does google jobs work? Many believe that this form of recruitment will reduce the need to advertise on job sites and reduce the cost that comes with this in the long run. However, how necessary is Google Jobs for your website? We look at the challenges and benefits to help you make your decision.

How Does Google Jobs Work?

This is a job search function designed and managed by google. Similar to searching for flights or a hotel, google has updated their search bar to allow people looking for jobs to directly find roles that match the key words they have used. This is similar to job websites that have many different businesses advertising positions in their organisation. However, the difference is that it is powered by googles keyword search and links directly to your website.

In addition, if a possible candidate was looking for ‘Commercial Engineering Jobs’ in to the usual search bar provided by Google, a range of job adverts will appear at the top of their search results. This will feature a box with a small selection of jobs that match the key search words. You can see even more vacancies that matched your search by clicking on the provided link in the box. We hope this gives you a better understanding of how does google jobs work.

It is believed that the main objective of Google’s new search function is to make the online recruitment process less time consuming, and to make the connection with job seekers and employers much easier.

How will this Benefit my business?

Google has set their job function up to help possible candidates and employers, not necessarily a recruitment company. This gives businesses the opportunity to take control of their own recruitment and reduce the cost that comes with signing up to a job search engine. By setting this up on your website and using the correct keywords, you receive free advertisement in return.

Another great benefit of adding google jobs to your website is that the google filters allows candidates to narrow down what they are looking for in terms of location and job title. This means that they are more likely to apply for the job they are interested in and match their qualifications. This will also mean you will likely find the right candidate quicker.

What Challenges will I Face?

Getting your business Google ready may come with additional costs. Furthermore, for vacancies to be recognised by Google jobs, you will need to make sure each job post appears on your sitemap and individually tagged with specific data. If you don’t have staff with the required skills to achieve this, you will have to outsource a web developer. In addition, this may be costly for your business.

Job advertisements on your website must alway be updated. In addition, if Google finds any outdated jobs on your website, you will be penalised.

What do you think of Google Jobs? Have you applied it to your website yet? If you have any further questions on Google Jobs, contact us on our website now.







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