We get asked HR related questions every day and each week we will be sharing our top question of the week that we have been asked here at The HR Booth.


This week we address a question that we are often asked here at The HR Booth, “What benefits does a Non-Executive Director (NED) bring to an SME company”?


Non-Executive Directors are often associated with helping larger companies and the public sector, however, there is a lot more to Non – Executive Director. Non-Executive Directors are now helping smaller companies and even start-up businesses to supplement their management teams as they bring previous experience of being well-connected business people. We recently read an interesting article on ways that Non- Executive Directors can help SME and you can read this here.

Your Turn

Let us know if you already use a Non- Executive Director in your establishment and what benefits they have brought.

Let us know by joining the conversation in the comments section below.

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