Ask The Expert – Calum

8 April 2024 | Blog

We sat down with our in-house recruitment expert and HR consultant Calum to go over what job candidates look for in modern day job adverts.

Mindset Shift

Before, you might have considered a job advert simply as a list of duties an employee must carry out. However, in today’s recruitment landscape, it’s seen as a prime opportunity to showcase your business and attract top talent. While a job description should be readily available upon request, the advert itself serves as the enticing introduction.

Heading up the Advert

Research indicates that most individuals spend a mere 14 seconds scanning a job advert. Therefore, it’s imperative to capture attention quickly by highlighting the following key points:

  • Job title
  • Hours of work
  • Contract type
  • Salary (where possible)
  • Location

The Key Components

About Us

This section serves as the platform to narrate your company’s story and ethos. Why should potential candidates aspire to work for you? Highlighting unique selling points can significantly enhance appeal.

The Job

Keep it succinct yet compelling. Outline the type of individuals you’re seeking, the nature of the work, and align it with industry expectations to provide context.

The Requirements

Offer insights into what a typical day in the advertised role entails. This helps candidates envisage themselves within the position and assess their suitability.

What Else to Include?

In addition to the essentials, incorporating the following elements can elevate the attractiveness of the advert:

  • Employee Benefits: Detail the perks and rewards that come with being part of the team. This could range from healthcare provisions to professional development opportunities.

  • Employee Testimonials: Nothing resonates more with potential candidates than hearing about the employee experience directly from those already within the organisation. Including testimonials adds authenticity and credibility.

  • Company Values: Transparently articulating the core values and culture of your company helps candidates assess cultural fit and alignment with personal values.

By incorporating these elements and adopting a strategic mindset shift, your job adverts can transcend mere listings and become powerful tools for talent acquisition and brand promotion.


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