My Placement With The HR Booth | HR University

3 August 2018 | People Development

HR University Skills With Ram

We had the pleasure of welcoming Ram in to her team as part of her HR University placement. After searching long and hard for a company that fit in with her Business MGT and Human Resource Management course, she finally came across The HR Booth and we are glad that she did. Not only did Ram learn more about the HR side to business, she also enjoyed the recruitment side and helped us to on-board new staff for our clients. Find out what Ram thought of her placement here:

My Placement

‘As I am now coming to the end of my placement, I have taken some time to reflect on everything I have learned along the way. Overall, my placement has exceeded my expectations. I have developed so many new skills  and was welcomed into the team straight away.

I’m proud that I actually had the confidence to undergo a placement instead of going back to university this trimester. HR and recruitment is an aspect of business that I am interested in and I am glad I have gained more experience in this throughout my placement.

Aims & Objectives

The HR Booth have helped me to achieve all the aims and objectives I initially set myself before I started. I had constant support from the team when I needed help. Alistair always helped me with my university portfolio when I was struggling to make sense of things. He was also kind enough to help me think about dissertation topics. Knowing that I can come back to anyone in the office if I need help with work is very reassuring for myself.

This placement has given me confidence to apply to jobs with ease after graduation as I know what to expect. The experience I have gained has allowed me to realise I have the skills to do the job and enjoy it at the same time.

Confidence For The Future

By the end of my placement I felt completely comfortable being in the office by myself and handling emails and phone calls. Due to the nature of the job, I was also able to communicate with so many different people. This was clear when communicating with our clients.

One of the most beneficial points of my placement was that it was all so varied. I have achieved many employability skills, however the main ones would be communication skills – written and verbal. I  developed IT skills and forming positive impact relationships. Furthermore, all three skills were the most employable part. These skills are also fundamental skills you need to enable yourself to stand out from others.

I have been able to develop these skills over the duration of my placement. This has made me become more confident in each field. Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed my placement at the HR Booth. I cannot thank Alistair and the team enough for being so supportive and helpful along the way.’

Learn more about Ram’s work placement experience and HR university information in this blog post.

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