The Importance of Team Building

3 July 2024 | Blog

At The HR Booth, we are dedicated to creating a happy workplace culture where mutual respect, enthusiasm and positivity is encouraged. A team that enjoy working with one another, more often than not, will tend to be more productive and more innovative. To help encourage this within the team we organise regular social days / nights together. We aim to hold these on a monthly basis. Events like this provide the opportunity for our team to relax together, build relationships and strong interpersonal relationships, out with an office setting, where work talk is discouraged.

A perfect example of this is our most recent team social night, where, as a team, we all headed out together to play bowling together – a night that the full team all attended. It was pleasing to see the full team interacting with one another, sharing laughs and engaging in a friendly and healthy competition. Events such as this allow the team to connect with each other on a personal level, chatting about topics beyond our work duties and enjoying the company of one another in a relaxed and fun environment. Events like this can act as a natural icebreaker.

Whilst these team social nights are mainly about having fun, there is also a strategical element to them – with the aim of enhancing team morale. This can be particularly important when growing through a period of growth. For instance, when welcoming new employees in to the business or combining new departments within the workplace. Employees will find this as an informal setting, one where they can get to know their colleagues and become part of the team. Perhaps an often overlooked way of increasing productivity, but one which is an extremely worthwhile and beneficial one for the business.

Furthermore, these events will also demonstrate your commitment to enhancing the company culture and employee’s wellbeing. A healthy work-life balance is vital for job morale and job satisfaction. You can aim to develop a supportive and enjoyable working environment by hosting regular social team nights.

At The HR Booth, we are proud of our continuous commitment to create a happy and welcoming workplace environment. Regular team social activities are just one of the numerous ways that you can demonstrate your commitment to this but also reap the rewards of a happy workplace, creating an environment where the team can grow and succeed together.

Team Building

By taking these proactive steps you can reap the rewards of a happier and more productive workplace, one where the team all work to help each other. There are various benefits of operating in this manner, and we’ve narrowed this down to, what we believe, are the three main benefits. Let’s take a look at why you should focus on team building.

Improved Communication & Collaboration

Team building night create a setting which is relaxed and informal, one where employees can speak with each other away from the pressures associated with work. Events like this have a purpose – to create open communication and strong inter-personal connections amongst team members. Traditional icebreakers can sometimes be awkward and forced. You can view team social nights as an unofficial icebreaker as such, providing the opportunity and space for more natural interaction between employees.

One main advantage of team social evenings is the removal of any hierarchical barriers that may exist within the workplace. Employees may feel restricted in a work setting, where employee hierarchy exists. These barriers will often disappear when in a social setting, creating more natural interactions with one another. Employees who may not usually interact ( as they work in different departments ), may now interact with one another and get to know each other better. Enhanced communication like this can often lead to better collaboration between employees when back in the workplace. You will find that there is, usually, a direct correlation between positive employee relations and an improved standard of work being completed.

Often, employees will feel a sense of inclusivity when involved within the team social nights. Employees who participate in these events will feel more comfortable and more integrated within the team and the business as a whole. Employees’ morale will be boosted, and job satisfaction increased.

You will see a positive team dynamic created, making employees more open with one another and more adaptable to change. Teamwork will be increased and improved problem – solving and innovation within the team, as well as positive personal development for team members.

New starts may feel nervous and anxious about joining a new team. If you have numerous new starts joining, it may be beneficial to host a night like this to let everyone get to know each other better. This can help develop a smooth integration process into the organisation , one which should see a lower turnover rate and also see employees produce a good standard of work at a quicker rate.

Increased Morale

Team building nights are fun and interactive. Ensure that you pick an activity that everyone can take part in and is comfortable taking part in. Employees will feel valued and respected by their colleagues.

Team building nights can and should be an engaging & fun experience, one where bonds between team members are strengthened. When you are planning these activities, ensure you pick an activity that everybody will be comfortable participating in. For example, an activity like Tough Mudder may not be for everyone, but a night of bowling might be more well suited!

Activities should be catered to suit everyone’s interests to make sure that no one is left out. Some other popular choices include escape rooms or quiz nights. Ultimately, you should pick an activity that you know your employees will not only enjoy, but possibly one where they can work together. If organising multiple, pick various different activities, as the same one may become boring and repetitive.

Employees will notice this and respect you for picking an activity everyone should enjoy. This thoughtfulness will not go unnoticed and will create a sense of belonging in the workplace. Employee loyalty may spike because of this, and this can only be of benefit to yourself and the business operations.

Employees may see a different side to their colleagues, one which they might not see in the office. Often this will be because everyone is more relaxed and aren’t focused on work tasks.

In addition, team building nights can also act as an informal feedback session for senior management. They will be able to view how their employees act out with an office environment and will give them information, such as, if an employee is a good team fit.

On the other hand, managers may also spot if there are any issues within the team, such as, communication barriers or even interpersonal conflicts, and then be able to address these issues as they see fit.

Regular team building evenings contributes towards a more stable work – life balance. Employees will feel more valued as a human, rather than just an employee. This will boost employee morale and employee satisfaction.

Passing the ‘Pub Test’

You might (most likely are) wondering what the ‘Pub Test’ is. The ‘Pub Test’ is:

If you were asked who you worked for whilst in the pub, would you feel proud to say?

If our team answer ‘Yes’ to this, then we know we are doing something right. It means you have a good employee culture and an environment where people want to work. By holding regular team building nights you can pass the ‘Pub Test’.

Passing the ‘pub test’ is a solid indicator of a happy workplace. When employees feel proud to talk about their workplace in a non – work / social setting, they develop an internal sense of loyalty to their employer. This all comes from feeling valued, respected and involved in the organisation.

At The HR Booth, a positive workplace culture is something we strive for. This is something which must be created internally. One of the best ways to create this internally is through holding regular team building nights, creating an environment where employees can relax and bond with each other. The aim here is that this will naturally translate into better working processes, improved team cohesion and deeper team relationships.

Let events like a team bowling night, act as a natural icebreaker amongst your team. This is particularly important for when you have new employees entering into the business. It can act as a natural way for all of the team to get to know each other. The benefits are endless, but the main standout ones are:

  • Enhanced team morale
  • Improved team work
  • Better work processes implemented

Not only that, but team night are a fun way to do an activity as a big group. When organising these events, it is handy to focus on them as a night together with your colleagues and separate it from the workplace.

If you have any queries then get in touch with us, we’ll be happy to help.

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